Celebrating Rami Grossberg’s 70th Birthday
WAECO: A workshop on the occasion of Rami Grossberg’s 70th birthday
"WAECO: A workshop on the occasion of Rami Grossberg’s 70th birthday" took place at Baylor University from June 25 to June 27, 2024. Rami Grossberg, a Professor from Carnegie Mellon University, is one of the leading experts in the field of Abstract Elementary Classes. AECs is a subfield of model theory where one can study classes of structures defined by sets of infinite sentences.
The two main goals of the workshop were to provide graduate students with a space to learn some of the basic ideas of AECs and to provide experts with a place to collaborate on AECs. These were achieved by bringing together prominent researchers in AECs and graduate students from around the world.
The workshop was organized by Will Boney (Texas State University) and Marcos Mazari-Armida (Baylor University) and Sponsored by an AMS-Simons Travel Grant, and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-2137465, and the Department of Mathematics of Baylor University.
Read more on the conference website: https://math.artsandsciences.baylor.edu/conferences/waeco-workshop and the following article https://news.web.baylor.edu/news/story/2024/baylor-hosts-prominent-mathematician-aec-workshop.