We have seven active research clusters: algebra, analysis, differential equations, mathematical physics, numerical analysis (PDE's and linear algebra), representation theory, and topology.
In terms of financial aid, all accepted students receive a Graduate Assistantship consisting of a stipend of $30,000 for 12 months, full tuition remission, no general student fees, annual travel funding for conferences, and an 80% subsidy for student health insurance. A $2,000 bonus is added to help with moving the first year.
Some important areas that strengthen an application include excellent letters of recommendation and success in many proof based courses--beginning with real analysis and abstract algebra.
The general GRE test (quantitative and verbal) is optional. The GRE math subject test is not required.
No. The majority of our PhD. students enter the program with only their undergraduate mathematics degree. Some choose to get a MS along the way.
The Ph.D. degree program allows for 5 years of graduate study.
From the second year on, students typically teach one undergraduate class per semester. Student teachers are assigned an individual faculty teaching mentor.
Please see the Health Benefits at the Graduate School page.
Please find housing information at the Graduate School page.
Students must pass a Qualifying Exam in two of the four year-long core areas (abstract algebra, applied mathematics, real variables, and topology). The Qualifying Exam is meant to certify competency over a whole year-long core area of mathematics.
Students must also pass a Preliminary Examination administered by a Preliminary Exam Committee of at least two people headed and chosen by the student's dissertation advisor. The Preliminary Exam is meant to certify beginning competency in the student's area of specialization.
Starting in their second year, students have their own private office.
Yes--two a year!
Baylor has many opportunities.
Typically, for nonnative speakers, we like to see at least a 90 on the TOEFL.
However, students who have graduated from a US university are not required to submit a TOEFL.