Department of Mathematics
Why Study Math at Baylor?
The Department of Mathematics has much to offer to both students and prospective faculty. With excellent facilities housed in the centrally located Sid Richardson building, the department has a faculty and staff dedicated to helping our students.
Read MoreThis fall semester mathematics graduate students launched their inaugural New Graduate Student Seminar Series.
The Baylor University Department of Mathematics celebrated its annual end-of-semester luncheon on December 11, 2024.
On November 13, the Baylor Mathematics Department hosted a reception to award the first Lance Littlejohn Scholarship for Graduate Research in Mathematics. The scholarship has been generously endowed by Jim and Lisa Meyerhoff to honor Dr. Lance Littlejohn for his remarkable service as the Chair of the Mathematics Department.
This year, I wanted to experience a Homecoming Parade. And I was not disappointed!!
Undergraduate Programs
The Department of Mathematics offers a broadly based curriculum that includes a variety of mathematical areas, both traditional and contemporary. With a strong commitment to quality undergraduate education and research, we seek to develop individuals who can enjoy productive careers in business, government, industry, research and education at all levels.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
The department offers research opportunities in various areas to Undergraduate students.
ALEKS Placement Exam
ALEKS is an online, artificially intelligent, assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn't know.
Graduate Programs
The Department of Mathematics at Baylor University offers both a Ph.D. Degree and a Master of Science Degree with excellent research opportunities in a range of research areas in pure and applied mathematics. If you are looking for a graduate program in mathematics where class size is conducive to learning and professors are readily available, then the graduate program at Baylor University might be a good match for you.
Teaching Opportunities
After accumulating 18 graduate credit hours, graduate students with assistantships usually teach one undergraduate course, such as pre-calculus, per semester. In addition, faculty teaching mentors are utilized to help develop effective teaching pedagogy.
Research Areas
A broad area of mathematical research, ranging from purely theoretical to highly applicable.
A vast realm of mathematics which encompasses calculus and its extension into higher mathematics.
Focuses on ordinary and partial differential equations and discrete dynamical systems.
Logic studies formal languages and the relation between these formal languages and mathematical structures.
Mathematical physics studies conceptual frameworks which presumably describe physical phenomena.
Numerical analysis is the study of computer methods for solving math problems that arise in engineering and other scientific areas.
The area of mathematics that studies this amazing symmetry is called Lie theory or representation theory.
Topology is the study of the properties of spaces that are preserved under continuous transformation.