Baylor hosts 85th Midwest PDE Seminar

May 3, 2022

The Mathematics Department hosted the 85th Midwest Partial Differential Equations Seminar during April 29-April 30, 2022, on the Baylor University campus. This is a long-running series, going back to 1977, aimed primarily at showcasing the latest developments in the field of partial differential equations and related areas.

It was the first time that the Mathematics Department at Baylor University had organized this event. The speakers for this edition were: Artur H. O. Andrade (Temple University), Donatella Danielli (Arizona State University, USA), Martin Dindos (University of Edinburgh, UK), Piotr Hajlasz (University of Pittsburgh, USA), Steve Hofmann (University of Missouri, USA), Jameson Graber (Baylor University, USA), Joengsu Kyeong (Temple University), Marcus Laurel (Baylor University), Tao Mei (Baylor University, USA), Pedro T. F. da Silva (Baylor University), Michael Taylor (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA), and Magdalena Toda (Texas Tech University, USA). More information, including abstracts of talks, can be found at the conference webpage.