Robert Kirby, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics Undergraduate Advisor
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, 2000
Academic Interests & Research
Finite elements for partial differential equations, preconditioners for multiphysics problems, mathematical software, multicore computing.
Research Funding
NSF CCF award 0830655: Automated intrusive algorithms for numerical simulation of partial differential equations via software-based Frechet differentiation. $270k, 10/1/08 -- 9/30/11. (Co-PIs Kevin Long & Victoria Howle)
NSF CCF award 1117794: Metanumerical computing on emerging architectures: Automated embedded algorithms for partial differential equations on multicore platforms. $500k, 10/1/11 -- 09/30/13. (Co-PIs Kevin Long & Victoria Howle).
Contract from Sandia National Laboratory: Providing Intrepid with high-order basis functions. $130k, 2008 -- present.
Department of Energy Early Career PI program: Automatic parallel finite elements. $300k, 09/15/2004 -- 06/14/2009.
Some Selected Publications
R. C. Kirby, and T. T. Kieu, Fast simplicial quadrature-based finite element operators using Bernstein polynomials, Numerische Mathematik 121(2): 261 -- 279 (2012).
V. E. Howle and R. C. Kirby, Block preconditioners for finite element discretization of incompressible flow with thermal convection, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 19(2): 427 -- 440 (2012).
K. R. Long, R. C. Kirby, and B. van Bloemen Waanders, Unified embedded parallel finite element computations via software-based Frechet differentiation, SIAM J. Scientific Computing 32(6):3323 -- 3351 (2010).
R. C. Kirby, From functional analysis to iterative methods, SIAM Review 52(2): 269 -- 293 (2010).
R. C. Kirby and A. Logg, A compiler for variational forms, ACM Trans. Math. Software. 32:417-444 (2006).
R. C. Kirby, FIAT: A new paradigm for computing finite element basis functions, ACM Trans. Math. Software. 30:502-516 (2004).