2024-2025 Mathematics Colloquium
Upcoming Talks:
September 12 - 3:30pm - SDRICH 207
David Blecher (University of Houston)
- Title: Real and complex structure, and beyond
- Abstract: Real structure occurs naturally and crucially in very many areas of mathematics. Together with collaborators we have recently developed the theory of real operator spaces and (possibly nonselfadjoint) real operator algebras to a somewhat mature level. We begin by describing this theory and how standard constructions interact with the complexification. We characterize real structure in complex operator spaces, and characterize some of the most important objects in the subject. There are some hard questions, some of which we have solved very recently with Neal, Peralta and Su. Others involve duality. Generalizing further, joint work with Mehrdad Kalantar gives a novel framework that contains the operator space complexification, as well as the less-studied quaternification, as special cases. It also may be viewed as the appropriate variant of Frobenius and Mackey's induced representations for the category of operator spaces.
Upcoming Talks:
February 27 - 3:30pm - SDRICH 207
Victor Lie (Purdue University)
- Title: TBA
- Abstract: TBA
Recent Talks:
Click here to see a list of past colloquium talks.